
Imagine the possibilities

Imagine, just imagine for a moment that somewhere in this world, there’s a huge building. Buried, forgotten, desiring to be forgotten, lying somewhere under piles of heap and rubble.

Now imagine that you take that symbol of absolute past hatred, tears, and misfortune, and you bring it back up, you rise up and you rebuild that building, that symbol of hatred sky high, its chambers sparkling clean and windows and rooms shining and full of light. Let it not be forgotten, not in ruins, not in the rubble, but all of it used as The Foundation.

If you are able to somehow turn that symbol of absolute hate and despair into a symbol of peace and love, without destroying, shattering it, and burying it, then there’s potential in you. The chambers are empty after all.

Though the rabbit came through the ordeal of the experiment, this must not be taken as evidence of its harmlessness.

And so it happens that very often those who belong to what can really be called the upper classes find it much easier than do the upstarts to descend to and intermingle with their fellow beings on the lowest social level. For by the word upstart I mean everyone who has raised himself through his own efforts to a social level higher than that to which he formerly belonged.

In the case of such a person the hard struggle through which he passes often destroys his normal human sympathy. His own fight for existence kills his sensibility for the misery of those who have been left behind.