True love until it finds me for leaps of faith to be taken, over and over again until it feels right, i will keep dreaming.
Category: Stream
Imagine the possibilities
Imagine, just imagine for a moment that somewhere in this world, there’s a huge building. Buried, forgotten, desiring to be forgotten, lying somewhere under piles of heap and rubble.
Now imagine that you take that symbol of absolute past hatred, tears, and misfortune, and you bring it back up, you rise up and you rebuild that building, that symbol of hatred sky high, its chambers sparkling clean and windows and rooms shining and full of light. Let it not be forgotten, not in ruins, not in the rubble, but all of it used as The Foundation.
If you are able to somehow turn that symbol of absolute hate and despair into a symbol of peace and love, without destroying, shattering it, and burying it, then there’s potential in you. The chambers are empty after all.
Though the rabbit came through the ordeal of the experiment, this must not be taken as evidence of its harmlessness.
And so it happens that very often those who belong to what can really be called the upper classes find it much easier than do the upstarts to descend to and intermingle with their fellow beings on the lowest social level. For by the word upstart I mean everyone who has raised himself through his own efforts to a social level higher than that to which he formerly belonged.
In the case of such a person the hard struggle through which he passes often destroys his normal human sympathy. His own fight for existence kills his sensibility for the misery of those who have been left behind.
Winning arguments and solving conflicts
An amazing way to win an argument or solving a conflict is: when concluded, both parties have gained what they desire, and they are both very happy with the outcome. If both parties end up forming a connection and leave with a smile on their face, that’s probably the best outcome.
Winning an argument or solving a conflict shouldn’t be about gaining what you want, while the other party experiences a loss. It’s your responsibility for that to not happen. Take care of each other. It’s half a start.
Agendas and narratives
The majority of people live their life like it is a race.
Living like we have all the time in the world, would allow everyone to take time in perfecting and enjoying the present instead of rushing for the future like it’s a deadline.
Right now, is the most important moment of your life. Slow down. Enjoy it.
When preparing food, if you’re making love with the food you’re preparing, at every step of the way, the end result can’t be anything but something that makes you happy that you made it.
Losing things
We are eternal.
Are things ever lost? Writing and storing data in people is a means for humans of this moment to access it and pass it to the next generations.
Thus, time is a keeper of records.
Traveling through time, allows us to read pages of the book, which means, nothing is ever lost.
Traveling through time would mean things are still being fun. So much content to enjoy.
Anything is possible, anything you put your mind to, the possibilities are endless and limitless.
If we imprint all the things we know and love into the people around us, then we’ll never lose anything. We’ll allow each other to forget and teach each other to remember.
About money
Pretty sure that if there was any valid reason for me to have 1 million, 10 million, 100 million, 1 billion, 10 billion, or 100 billion, the money would just make itself available in either of the following wallets:
Bitcoin: bc1qqadd2xkx4wtxjcm5s9rdmctgc9f8w0yjlc64kx
ERC20/Polygon/BSC: 0xF4a53b6Bb9e4ec51E7831E0d7A06D5D404391824
Your value to me
Rules of Power
You can only wield as much power as there’s at your disposal at that point in time.
If you maintain a healthy flow of power out, power will flow in, providing maneuverability.
If you’re afraid of losing power – it wasn’t yours, to begin with.
If you received it and you’re trying to grip on it or extend it you’re doing it wrong.
Great men, do not seek power. They have it thrust upon them.